Winnacunnet High School is located in Hampton, NH.
Presentations by:
Ryan McGillivray - Sports Turf Specialties, Inc - Athletic Field Snow Removal for Natural Grass and Synthetic Surfaces
Chase Straw - University of George - Athletic Perception and Injury Risk within Natural Turfgrass Sports Fields
John Turnour - Washington Nationals - Daily management of skinned areas
To help defray the cost of the continental breakfast and lunch, the New England Park Association and New England Sports Turf Managers Association are seeking sponsorships for the 6th Annual Northern New England Turf Show.
Sponsors company name will prominently be displayed at the serving table and mentioned in the Turf Show Program.
GOLD sponsor is $2500.00 - Name recognition during breakfast & lunch, logo on front cover of program, signage, 2- 8’ booth tables, 5 meal tickets, key location, 1-8.5 x 11 handout inserted into itinerary (Provided by Sponsor).
SILVER sponsor is $1000.00 - Name recognition during breakfast & lunch, logo on program, 1-8’ table with 4 meal tickets
BRONZE sponsor $500.00 - Name recognition during breakfast & lunch, name on program, 1-8’ table with 2 meal tickets
Sponsorships are essential to enable attendee’s registration fees to remain affordable. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Sponsor Registration
Commercial sponsorship opportunities are available for this special event to showcase your company and product(s) to the many attendees: sports turf managers and maintenance staff for schools, municipalities and universities.
$250 for a vendor booth entitles you to all training sessions, an 8-foot table or booth display, two lunches and attendee list.
Vendor Registration